building. tomorrow.
Reaching for a Better Tomorrow was formed for the purpose of addressing the emerging housing needs in neighborhoods throughout western Pennsylvania. We are a community development organization with a vision to eliminate widespread blight and repurpose abandoned homes. RFBT is committed to revitalizing distressed communities in an effort to create stability, safety, and vitality for our neighbors. Together, we're building tomorrow.
People need homes. Our communities have homes. With over 20 years of real estate development expertise and a passion for residential real estate, our organization redevelops abandoned properties in an effort to improve communities across western Pennsylvania. We offer affordable housing to people seeking renewal, rehabilitation, and a fresh start. At present our work focuses on serving veterans, and we look forward to reaching many more underserved demographics as our organization grows.
Our impact goes beyond property redevelopment and housing for those in need. We believe in the role houses and homes play in the community at large. Outside of providing sustainable and safe housing for low- to moderate-income individuals and families, our work improves communities by removing structural safety hazards associated with abandoned houses and improving the value of neighborhoods. This work stimulates municipal economies (thereby relieving taxpayers and supporting local governments) by offsetting lost tax revenue in communities with blighted homes.